ASANA: Turtle Pose - its history, benefits, and my advice to be comfortable in the pose Asana, PhilosophyJulie Mathys10 janvier 2024The Sakura Yogaturtle pose, kurmasana, yoga, asana, yoga pose, turtle pose benefitsCommentaire
ASANA: Your Complete Guide to Compass Pose - Benefits, Tips, and Modifications Pose, AsanaJulie Mathys15 septembre 2023The Sakura Yogacompass pose, asana, yoga pose, how to yoga, how to compass pose, surya yantrasanaCommentaire
ASANA: Rabbit Pose, 3 reasons to practice this great alternative to headstand PoseJulie Mathys8 avril 2023asana, yoga, yoga pose, rabbit pose, sasangasana, inversion, yoga inversion, alternative to headstandCommentaire
ASANA: Shoulderstand: do’s & don'ts PoseJulie Mathys27 février 2018shoulderstand, do's & don'ts, Yoga asana, asana, how to yoga, yoga, yoga asanaCommentaire